Here are the Mad Science notes and lesson plan for 10-15 APR 2023.
Jiu-Jitsu Focus:
- Adults: Gi/No gi: Guard Attacks
- Youth: Linking techniques together / Guard attacks
Judo Focus:
- Adult: Introduction to Shiai (competition)
- Youth: Skill development and drilling
Kickboxing Focus: Bag Work / Partner drilling / Sparring concepts (all).
- The University of Tennessee Judo Club is hosting its annual tournament on April 22nd. Several people have expressed wanting to participate. This would be a good tournament to “try” judo competition. If you are interested see coach Ted (there are a few minor admin things to do beforehand).
- The Mad Science Adult Practice tournament will be on Saturday, May 27th. In addition to our normal divisions (this one is the Gi tournament), We are adding an extra division (Sambo) division for people to give it a try. The Jiu-Jitsu is focused on white and blue belts, but the Sambo division is open to anyone of any rank. We are bringing in a national Sambo Referee to facilitate the matches and give in-depth rules briefing to all who wish to give it a try (you should try it – it's really neat).